Jul 4

Contract Size Changes for XRPUSD and SOLUSD

Dear Clients!

We would like to announce that we will be making changes to the contract sizes for XRPUSD and SOLUSD symbols on all account types. This update will take effect on May 13th.

Please find the new contract sizes for each account type in the table below:

Contract Size Changes for XRPUSD and SOLUSD

The purpose of this change is to prevent situations where your profits may change due to small open position volumes but remain zero due to rounding in terminals. Increasing the contract size will allow you to avoid this issue in most cases and consistently see the actual profit on your open positions for these symbols.

In light of these contract size changes, we kindly ask you to close all your existing positions on the above symbols before May 13th. Any positions not closed by this date will be automatically closed on May 13th.

These symbols may not be available for trading on May 13th for several hours. Once the technical works are completed, the symbols with the new contract sizes will be fully available for trading.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team. We will be happy to assist you.

Best regards,

JustMarkets team